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Famous Cicero Quotes

There are some duties we owe even to those who have wronged us. There is, after all, a limit to retribution and punishment.


A life of peace, purity, and refinement leads to a calm and untroubled old age.


No liberal man would impute a charge of unsteadiness to another for having changed his opinion.


Art is born of the observation and investigation of nature.


The evil implanted in man by nature spreads so imperceptibly, when the habit of wrong-doing is unchecked, that he himself can set no limit to his shamelessness.


We do not destroy religion by destroying superstition.


A mind without instruction can no more bear fruit than can a field, however fertile, without cultivation.


Men decide far more problems by hate, love, lust, rage, sorrow, joy, hope, fear, illusion, or some other inward emotion, than by reality, authority, any legal standard, judicial precedent, or statute.


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