Famous Failure Quotes

We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse.

Rudyard Kipling

Embrace failure as a teacher, not a defeat. Learn from your mistakes and use them as stepping stones to success.

Embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. Learn from your mistakes, adjust your course, and keep moving forward.

A minute's success pays the failure of years.

Robert Browning

However things may seem, no evil thing is success and no good thing is failure.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Philanthropic colonization is a failure. National colonization will succeed.

Theodor Herzl

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

Theodore Roosevelt

The point is not to take the world’s opinion as a guiding star but to go one’s way in life and working unerringly, neither depressed by failure nor seduced by applause.

Gustav Mahler

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