Famous Michel de Montaigne Quotes

If there is such a thing as a good marriage, it is because it resembles friendship rather than love.

Michel de Montaigne

He who establishes his argument by noise and command shows that his reason is weak.

Michel de Montaigne

When I play with my cat, who knows whether she is not amusing herself with me more than I with her.

Michel de Montaigne

Lend yourself to others, but give yourself to yourself.

Michel de Montaigne

Age imprints more wrinkles in the mind than it does on the face.

Michel de Montaigne

Ambition is not a vice of little people.

Michel de Montaigne

I know well what I am fleeing from but not what I am in search of.

Michel de Montaigne

There is nothing more notable in Socrates than that he found time, when he was an old man, to learn music and dancing, and thought it time well spent.

Michel de Montaigne

My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened.

Michel de Montaigne

It should be noted that children at play are not playing about; their games should be seen as their most serious-minded activity.

Michel de Montaigne

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