The point in history at which we stand is full of promise and danger. The world will either move forward toward unity and widely shared prosperity – or it will move apart.
The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice.
History is more or less bunk.
The history of philosophy is to a great extent that of a certain clash of human temperaments.
The history of men’s opposition to women’s emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation itself.
Ideas shape the course of history.
History is only the register of crimes and misfortunes.
History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is.
Imagination is always the fabric of social life and the dynamic of history. The influence of real needs and compulsions, of real interests and materials, is indirect because the crowd is never conscious of it.
A myth is far truer than a history, for a history only gives a story of the shadows, whereas a myth gives a story of the substances that cast the shadows.