I’ll tell you how the Sun rose.
Photograph: a picture painted by the sun without instruction in art.
The conscious mind may be compared to a fountain playing in the sun and falling back into the great subterranean pool of subconscious from which it rises.
Moreover, since the sun remains stationary, whatever appears as a motion of the sun is really due rather to the motion of the earth.
Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which increases with the setting sun of life.
We sleep, but the loom of life never stops, and the pattern which was weaving when the sun went down is weaving when it comes up in the morning.
A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.
And new Philosophy calls all in doubt, the element of fire is quite put out; the Sun is lost, and the earth, and no mans wit can well direct him where to look for it.
A false friend and a shadow attend only while the sun shines.
If the Sun and Moon should ever doubt, they’d immediately go out.